Thank you for your interest in the Onesimus Discipleship Program.
Onesimus is a man in the Bible that had done wrong and had to go to prison. While in prison, he met the Apostle Paul who led him to Christ. When Onesimus was ready to get out of prison and go home, he didn’t have a place to go. Paul wrote a letter to Philemon (the book of Philemon in the Bible) and asked Philemon to take him in, help him out, and get him started in his Christian life on the outside of prison.
That is exactly what we want to do.
If you have ever wondered how much God cares about one guy getting out of prison, one whole book out of sixty-six were written for that reason.
We are looking for men who are sincere in their walk with God, who want Christ to change their life, and never again go back to jail.
If that is you, then we welcome you to apply HERE.
This is not a simple halfway house, or a secular program. This is an intense Christian discipleship program. We want you to be committed to leave the things of the world alone, and to dedicate yourself to Christ.
The purpose of this program is not meant to be a strict, hard program, but a place where you can see, feel, and experience the joy and abundance of the Christian life.
We are excited to help you in your journey to have the best life you could ever imagine. Now, the devil doesn’t want this life for you. He wants to steal, kill, and destroy your life. He wants to see your life wasted by drugs, alcohol, and worldly women. He wants to see you come in and out of jail until you die. He would love to take your life.
Surrender to God and let us show you what a great life you can have with Christ.
God bless you and your future,
David Baker
Chaplain and Director
Make a donation one time, or monthly below to help!